Maybe This Will Help

 So, I guess this is my new way to talk to the world since I can not seem to get the courage to say what I actually want to out loud. My name is Jessica and this is my blog. I have no idea how long I will actually go at this. My best friend Paige enticed me to get one of these so we could talk back and forth ( ya, know because we are cool hipsters). If I stick with this, then this is probably one of those things I will look back and be embarrassed by what I wrote and it will be very cringeworthy.

Few things to know about me is that I am growing as a person and in this present time in life I am so incredibly lost. I think what truly saddens me is that I shouldn't be sad or lost. I have a degree, a husband, and a healthy baby boy.  I also have shelter, food, money in the bank, and support from family that are a few days drive away. Sadly, I sit here emptier then a pitcher of lemonade on a hot summer day.

I am a stay at home mom and I am so thankful I can be. My son is the greatest blessing I didn't know I needed. He is asleep for his morning nap right now and I miss him. How crazy is that? I literally just got done playing with him, but I miss him. I guess that's a mothers love? That's another post for another day.

I sit here thinking about everything I need to do today, tomorrow, this week, next year. Maybe this will help. The writing my thoughts down. Maybe someone will hear the silence like I do? (ahaha laughing at how lame that last line was)..but really.

Until then world,
Jessica Lambert


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