I can't blog

As I lay here thinking about blogging and stuff.  I realize how much I hate physically writing my thoughts down. But this is so much faster. So instead of treating this like a blog where I post actually bloggy  things (ya know blog stuff) I'm just gonna write what I would in a journal. This is so much more convenient and faster. This will be my personal open to the world diary.

As I wrote that, i didn't realize how scary that last sentence sounded. Now it's not like the world knows who I am and I'm pretty sure only one person reads these (whaddup  paige) blogs of mine. If, however, a person should stumble upon this just know i am a person who makes mistakes. I also am the person who writes these on my phone under a window unit breastfeeding my squirmy 7month old. So these will be gargled thoughts that aren't finished and probably spit back at the phone.

I do a lot of time explaining myself because I am always so worried about offending somebody. I hate hurting peoples feelings or offending anyone, so I don't ever speak my mind. However, this is my blog. And I want to be selfish and write what is really on my mind.


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