5 Things That Help Me Be Productive

So this is gonna be one of those post/blog that maybe someone will get some use out of. Sometimes I feel so bad because I don't do anything. I don't work or go to school. I just stay home and take care or my kid. (Let's be honest though daycare is way to much) anyway, I can tell when I haven't been productive because I feel sluggish and useless and I really get depressed. So these are things I do that hopefully you can do to help you.

10: GET A PLANNER: Now before you say I have nothing to write in a planner,  I don't ever actually use it, or i use it for like a month and then never touch it again. I did everyone of those things above. 

9.  WRITE WHAT YOU DO IN A DAY IN THAT PLANNER: it helps me feel so much more productive by just actually using the planner. I write every mundane thing down. Like I took shower, I did the dishes, I read in my book. And by the end of the week I can see everything I did. Sometimes just taking a shower is an accomplishment for me some days. And when I've seen I've taken a shower everyday that week it makes me feel good. I'm a visual learner.  I literally need to see my progress or I forget it

3. TAKE TIME FOR YOU: you can't be productive if your not happy. So even if it's 30 minutes out the regular boringness do somethijng you want to do. If that's writing, drawing, reading, or singing (go check out Paige's YouTube page. Paigesingssong) I'm 1000 more times likely to do productive stuff if I'm happy.

4. DON'T TRY AND DO IT ALL AT ONCE: it didn't take a day to get messy or unorganized so it may need more then a few hours to get back to the way it was. I feel like you can apply this motto to whatever.

5.SPONTANEOUS PRODUCTIVITY: Sometimes (for me anyway) even if I don't feel like doing anything..lf I just make myself start it then it sets off a chain reaction and I'm in this purge mindset where everything else I do that day must be productive (laughing at myself) the hardest part of the morning is getting out of the bed. (Idk who actually quoted that saying but it is so true)


  1. GOOD POST. Also, that promo πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
    I never write down stuff I do because I'll just abandon it in a week. #5! If I make myself get up and clean something or do something I need to do, then suddenly I've done five other things I needed to do as well.


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