Military Wife

There are few things in this world I hate more then being a military wife....that being raw onions, Hitler, and people who wear socks with flip flops. However being a military wife is my number one hatred. I hate it..absolutely hate it.

I hate the dependant status. I hate the other wives. I hate the moving. I hate being married to the military and not my actual husband. I hate how it dictates our life. I hate the PT. I hate the deployments.

The wives who have been married to men who are higher in rank are all like " look at all this money" and I'm like look at all you sacrificed for it. It's just not fucking worth it.

I am currently a 2 days drive away from any of my family. I have lost all my friends except like 2. I gave up my career. Can't go back to school because well we move again  to soon to start a program in any college. I have to take whatever stupid part time job I can get just to have some purpose.

The military wife stigma is to stay home and pop  out babies while the husband does all the idk about some people but I'm not cool with that. I'm not a strong more like if I punch a dude I expect he is going to hit me an equal opportunity person. So I don't want to sit at home and be a glorified maid and nanny. Fuck that no. I didn't get married just for my husband stupid benefits (and people will remind u of that Every time it comes up)

But alas here I am a glorified maid and nanny to my 28 year old husband that spends more time at work then he does at home. Which I understand is not all his fault,  but at some rate it is his. I am home alone in a state where I have no friends, no family, 98% percent of the time. No emotional support. No career support. No purpose. No nothing. I literally have nothing but my son. And I'm pretty sure he would go to anyone with a boob that's lactating. Oh but thank God I have that insurance that I've used twice (once for my pregnancy and once for my kidney infection) -_-

It's true what they say "idle hands are the devils work" because being a military wife is making me go insane.  Insane enough where I want a divorce. I want to be free. I want to be able to go on vacation and not have to worry about it being taken away because the army says so. I want to be able to work out and not have to do it because "my husband has to pass his PT test or hes out of job" I want to actually buy a house and make it my own, not rent somebodies shit hole they don't care about. There's so much I want, that are pretty standard things, that I feel like I'll never have because of being a military wife.

I know I choose this life, but I wish I had headed the warning everyone gave me. I love my husband. I hate his career that affects our entire life. People will be quick to say " your jobs not hard , your husband's is harder" . "Oh look another whiney militsry wife." They act like he's deployed every fucking day and he's fighting off terrorist with his bare hands. He's sitting at a desk in Ohio -_- don't make excuses for him. Don't be little my problems just because he's in the military. He's not superior. Has he done some awesome shit? Heck yeah. Is he a war hero? Heck yeah. Am i super proud and thankful for all he has sacrificed? Yes i am. But when he is not doing those things he's a normal person. But I don't ever get to just be a normal wife.


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