A bookish blog

You ever just randomly started a book and  got so into it you just couldn't put it down. I love reading. I always have and I'm fairly certain I always will. If someone could put the smell of a fresh new inked book in a candle you can bet I would own every one.

Reading a book is literally the one thing nobody can take away from me. I can imagine the story how I want it. It takes you places you've never gone. Historical fiction and contemporary love stories are my favorite right now. It's like entering into a new world and having new friends. I wish everybody read just so I could discuss books with them. I would love to just have a reading party. Bring your favorite book, comfiest pjs, and your favorite beverage and just read until you fall asleep. Reading right before bed is the best because my dream will usually relate to the book I've just read. I would love to do book reviews, but there is just to much difference of opinions out there for that.

Cheap used books are the best. Amazon has amazing prices. Barnes and noble just smells good and gives me my list (NEVER PAY FULL PRICE FOR A BOOK) that's like my golden rule of life ok.

The kindle is amazing to. We move around a lot and dragging all 200 books around was just not an option. I usually only buy the whole series physical copy if it is really good. The rest are on the good ole ereader and they are so cheap on there.

Until next time,


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