
Today, is the first day I am truly alone. As in my child, I, and our 6 cats our without the man of the house. NOW,  this is something I've dealt with before. Being an Army Wife..(Oh did I mention that?) I am accustomed to being alone. However, this is the first time I am alone with our son and no family around.

What is one to do with life..with a 6 month old baby and in a weird state you don't call home. Well I'll tell ya what to do ( more like offer...im not leader) NOTHING. I am going to do what I do every day, just like any other time. I will clean, I will work in the garden, and I will take my son to his ridiculously  over priced mommy and me play classes. The days will go on just like any other days, but the nights however those will be hard.

See the front door that he usually comes through at 7ish..well ok 8ish (thanks army) won't be open. Dinner won't be on the table and this means dishes won't be in The sink The computer in the man cave won't be on. Family Guy won't be on in the background. His boots won't be left in the middle of the floor.

It's funny how all the stuff I want to go away when he is here...i just want to come back when he is gone. It's a one day at a time kind of thing and now I know why nobody says one night at a time. This life that drives me crazy with how routine it is, is also my rock with how routine it is. I need stability in my life. The greatest stability right now is my little family. Sadly, my little family is not together.They say distance makes the heart grow fonder (blah blah blah cheesy freaking stuff). It's just not true. What grows is all the stuff you let get so small. The things you fell in love with that after 5 years of being together turned into annoying things. They turn back in to love when that person leaves . I miss my annoying partner so much.

So on that morbid depressing note
I am going to do what I just read about on my bestfriends Paige's Blog (I swear I would link it if I knew how) and go take a hot shower and wash the day away and prep for the night to come.

P.s. I know this was rambely and all over then place. I'm to sad to do a coherent thing today so meh


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