A past life

I am a big memory person. I remember every feeling, every thought, and every hope a big situation in my life brought me.

I can't just let stuff go. I try, but it only works for so long. Wishing to forget the past is a hard thing to get a grip on. The past is what makes us who we are, but I feel like it such a hard thing to let go of but still hold on to the lesson.

For instance, I am a huge creeper like internet stalker times 10. That's a huge embarrassing confession, but it's honest, but here's the kicker I don't do anything with the information I find nor care for it. I just want to know that people from my past are alive and how their lives are going. I creep people that I've literally never said a word to in my life, just simply went to the same high school with. 🙈 I hate me sometimes. The memories that hurt are the people I actually talked to. You could say I'm hung up on the past, but if someone asked me if I wanted to go back I'd say hell no.

I wish this post had a plot line. But it doesn't just rambling while my child sleeps on my chest


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