Where I thought I would be.

My friend Paige had me thinking about something from her blog. If I was 16 and you asked me where I saw my self at almost 24 years old I would never picture this, but doesn't everyone say that. If you are one of those people who thought in 10 years I'm gonna be doing this and this and be here and have this and actually got all that then thank the good Lord above. ( woo the grammar in that sentence lol) I feel like nobody actually gets where they thought they were gonna be. I was raised in the church and everyone told me " if ya want to make God laugh, tell him your plans"...God was probably having a heart attack when I thought I was gonna be with my "lover" at the time and be a nurse and be a marine and also semi famous. I was going to have a farm and never have kids (yuck hate those lil ankle biters) Fun fact 16 year old me that boy is using you, you hate caring for other people, you can't run for shit, and you hate people again, animals are expensive, and you still hate kids just other peoples kids not your own. so like none of those things were ever gonna be possible....

At 23 I have a degree to work at a power plant, married to a guy that was never my type (complete 360 of every guy I ever dated), and have a son, and 6 cats and live in ohio being a stay at home mom.

But it's all good for right now. I have a sweetea in my hand, a cat on my lap, a baby in a swing, and a good book in my hand. For at least another hour I don't care what plans I had or where I want to be in the next ten years. Im going to try and enjoy right now....

Until next time internet diary thing.


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