Short and sweet

Dear computer technology journal diary thing that maybe someone will see someday when I'm dead.

Life is genuinely I'm scared to leave my house scary. People are crazy and I believe the world needs a new disease to wipe out a large group of people....thats how I feel about the world.

On the plus side of that morbidness I do have hope. I have hope that maybe the good days will out way the bad. There are more sane good people in the world then there are crazy lunatics. That at the end of the day when someone does you wrong you still do right, because come on that's what Jesus would do. I will forever be shocked by the things that go on in this world. I pray and hope the young man I'm raising is strong, respectful, and has an open mind about things. I hope he has the courage to stand up to people who can't stand up for  themselves. I hope he respects other peoples differences that make them so unique. I will raise my son as a Christian believer. We will go to church on Sunday and I'll bet  he will be causing mayhem in my house on Monday. As long as he grows up to be one of the good guys that I want to live through the disease that wipes out idiots. Then I've done my parenting job right.

Random post I know but it's what was on my mind.

Peace out aimless wanderers of the interwebs


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