There only one young once so take them to them out and let them explore the world with you. Let them see the Shark tank 1000 times because that amazement wont be there forever.
So this is gonna be one of those post/blog that maybe someone will get some use out of. Sometimes I feel so bad because I don't do anything. I don't work or go to school. I just stay home and take care or my kid. (Let's be honest though daycare is way to much) anyway, I can tell when I haven't been productive because I feel sluggish and useless and I really get depressed. So these are things I do that hopefully you can do to help you. 10: GET A PLANNER: Now before you say I have nothing to write in a planner, I don't ever actually use it, or i use it for like a month and then never touch it again. I did everyone of those things above. 9. WRITE WHAT YOU DO IN A DAY IN THAT PLANNER: it helps me feel so much more productive by just actually using the planner. I write every mundane thing down. Like I took shower, I did the dishes, I read in my book. And by the end of the week I can see everything I did. Sometimes just taking a shower is an accomplishment for me som...
10 Facts About Me: 10. I love Reading. I would insert some generic quote about reading here, but I feel that is a little try to hard to make you believe I am a reader. 9. Historical fiction is my favorite genre anything. 8. My husband, my son, and I all have middle names that start with M and we think its awesome. Probably more awesome then it really is, but hey ya gotta get your laughs somehow #cheapcomedy 7. I love cats. Like way to much. I will not specify how many cats I own for fear of judgment....ahahaha just kidding I own 6. So now that we got that out there, just know I will choose my cats over other human interaction any day of the week 6. I hate Religion. I literally grew up in church and I hate how it makes people. I LOVE MY FAITH. I love the good lord above and let my knees hit the ground every night before bed. I am still coming to learn about my faith in the Lord. Its a journey 5. I love spaghetti and Toast. I also weigh 130 pounds. I have no idea how because ...
What do you do when you are angry with God? Yup, I said it I am so freaking pissed off at God. I am a person of great Faith. I have been in every bible class, every church service, every Awana Program, If it was at the Church you can bet your last dollar that I was there to. I am a lot older now and my faith has become so lost in this world. Something I was so firm in when I was young is so torn now that I am older. You can call me naïve and you can say that I am just now learning the world is bad and question my faith and ask why I still even believe. ( woo run on sentence there). Want me to be real black and white honest. I don't know why I still believe. That breaks my heart, it truly and utterly breaks my heart that my faith is so lost that I cant even find my way back to it. It always creeps in my head ( and your local preacher would say that's the devil in which hes probably right) the question of Why do bad things happen to good people? The older I get the more I notic...
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