YouTube's people

I love watching YouTube videos. I love watching peoples vlogs and videos they make. I have a few people I've watched forever, but it is so sad to see how money changes people. I was going through the annual back to school videos. (I want all the school supplies) and I look at all the stuff they are giving away and just buying because it's cute. Most of these people are in their early 20s literally buying 1000s of dollar worth of school supplies to earn followers and likes.

It makes me wonder about all the moms and dads ouut there scraping by to just by their kids the bare minimum. I remember wanting the lisa Frank folders and the colorful pens. I did not grow up poor but I certainly was not wealthy & I remember being allowed 1 pretty folder and the rest were the ones my mom could get for 25cents.  I totally understand it's their money they worked for it...but damn I feel like maybe going into target and seeing a mom shopping for her kid right there and then and buying the supplies she needs would help out so much more.

It makes me wonder would I be humble like that if I won or came into a lot Of money.  I would like to think I would pay off all our debt, give my parents enough to pay off their debt and then put enough away for my son's college and enough for retirement. If there's any leftover what would I do with it? I think I would spend it on travel and hopefully as I'm traveling I would be able to do something good with the leftover money.

That being said my ass just entered everyone of those back to school giveaways because I want a new laptop so bad. 😂

Random late night jumbled thoughts


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